We welcome Anton Schmidt of the NMMU Department of Nature Conservation (George Campus) and Victoria Goodall of the NMMU Department of Statistics (Summerstand Campus) as members of ACE.

Anton has a MSc in Wildlife Management (cum laude) from the University of Pretoria and is currently busy with his PhD on the factors influencing ecological thresholds in mosaic thicket. Anton brings a strong understanding of wildlife management to ACE.
Victoria has a PhD in Statistics from the University of the Witwatersrand and has a keen interest in establishing a statistical framework for analysing and interpreting datasets obtained by GPS tracking on the movements and ecological relationships of large mammalian herbivores.
An added benefit of both Anton and Victoria joining ACE will be the strengthening of the relationships within NMMU. Thus Anton’s membership of ACE will help build collaborations between researchers from the Port Elizabeth and George campuses of NMMU, particularly in the field of conservation and wildlife sciences, while Victoria’s membership of ACE will strengthen the connections between the field of conservation and statistics. We look forward to Anton and Victoria contributing to ACE’s objectives and trust that they will find this rewarding and fruitful. Welcome to the team.